I'll make it short and sweet:
No throwing up on the subway when Abe is on it!!
Thank you - the management.
Honestly, the last three times I've taken the subway late at night, someone has been throwing up right before my eyes. Once a girl was throwing up into her boot, another time a guy was throwing up out the door that leads to a different car, and last night the guy was just throwing up between his legs onto the floor for a really extended period of time. Sick! I am not of a very weak stomach, but I had several cocktails myself, so watching you heave is something I could do without. You should not be taking public transit in the first place if you are that drunk. Lord knows we've all done it. But the embarassment you will avoid by ponying up and taking a cab is well worth it. I once opened the door to a cab and threw up onto the street when the cab was stopped at a stoplight. It was on my 22nd birthday, I think. See? It can be done! But for christ sakes, I did not take the train that night! And I did not expose a whole train car to the stink and trauma of me blowing chunks all over the salty floor.
I'm sure the whole city reads my blog, so I hope to see improvements almost immediately.
For that reason alone, I'm am ever so thankful for getting around by bus.
once i barfed off of the edge of the sedgwick platform. but it was from food poisoning. bad lasagna.
related note: no one should be allowed to wear a bunch of perfume on the el, for the simple reason that it may induce barfing by others.
Yeah, I agree...too much perfume=barfilicious!
A few years ago on the way home from volleyball - a very inebebriated man fell out of his chair and began vomitting while laying on his back. We actually had to roll him over because he would have choked on himself. It was so gross and then everyone gave us dirty looks because they thought this guy was our friend.
UGH! I completely agree. On New Years Eve I rode the subway home sitting across from a giiiiiant pile of throw up. Yum.
I am not a huge drinker, but when I did go slightly beyond the point of no return, I certainly don't barf in a small area other than the bathroom. However, I HAVE barfed in a bar (only once) in a bowl of unused pretzels. Yes, I threw them out. I just never understood after that why anyone would want to go past that imaginary "Don't do it" line...
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